“Hail damage to her ass”… what the what???


This commentary made me laugh especially in light of the fact that my husband and I just started a personal training program together….well sort of!

We at least encouraged each other to “sign on” and once in awhile we are at the gym at the same time.

You see …we are older and know each other really well and we do not really care what kind of “eye candy” is at the gym.

We actually want to do whatever we can to keep ourselves active in order to keep up with our grandchild…what a motivating factor she is….thank God for her!

But I share these two articles with you on the eve of Mother’s Day to add a little humor to your day.

Stop and smell the roses along the way….

“I’ll admit that there may be some good reasons to bring along your significant other when you hit the gym, like providing her with the opportunity to do something about the hail damage on her ass, but in my opinion, the costs outweigh any potential benefits.”

via Don’t Bring Her to the Gym – FoxNews.com.


“I had the misfortune to stumble across an article titled Don’t Bring Her to the Gym. The overall misogyny was bothersome, but what was more troubling is that at some point maybe two or three years ago I’d had a really nice series of email interactions with the author James Fell.

Unfortunately Mr Fell, in his Onionesque article, thinks that bringing your significant other to the gym has the one benefit of providing her with the opportunity to do something about the hail damage on her ass.”

via About the Hail Damage on My Ass.

About lorettelavine

Wife, mother, grandmother, registered nurse, licensed clinical social worker, blogger. Parent and child advocate, involved in life.
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