Winter Weekend


Winter weekend

Winter Weekend

So it is Friday and very frigid here in suburban Chicago! At the moment as I am writing, the recorded temperature is -4 F !!! A severely cold weekend is ahead.

I hope my experience early this morning in not a predictor of how my weekend is going to go.

To my surprise at 6 am when I came downstairs to turn on the coffee pot, I felt a gust of cold air coming at me from our kitchen. I thought a window had broken but found our back door completely wide open and our dog who sleeps in there, no where in sight. As I leaned out the door, I spotted her just to my right eating ice and snow which she has a habit of doing these days. Hobbling into the house she took off upstairs to get my husband up. I truly expected her to be frozen to death and my heart paused for a second before I caught that welcome glimpse of her. Mind you it was pitch dark out at 6 am.

Immediately, I checked the water faucet closest to the open door and it had a drip of ice coming from it…not a good sign, frozen pipe possibility? I then checked the thermostat and it flashed in my face, 66 F!

How long was the door wide open??? Don’t know for sure, I thought while putting on my puffer jacket so I could begin making breakfast. My husband has to go out in this at that moment thinking it would be nice if I put my Uggs on and headed outside to start his car and let it warm up. How nice am I?

Right about then, I am reminded of my younger self, living in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, when I used to laugh at my single neighbor’s Italian mom dressed like an Eskimo cleaning off snow from her daughter’s car and warming it up so she could leave for work toasty warm and comfortable. I thought, “OMG what a princess”! Now I am doing the same thing for my husband here in Chicagoland.

So this is how it begins a weekend with frigid temps and ending with a snowstorm Sunday night into Monday morning.

I am thinking soup…lots of soup. Just have to figure out which recipe to use. I guess that will depend upon which ingredients I have in my pantry. I sure as h-ll do not want to go out food shopping today!

The only way to deal with this kind of winter weekend weather is “one day at a time”.

What are your weekend plans?

About lorettelavine

Wife, mother, grandmother, registered nurse, licensed clinical social worker, blogger. Parent and child advocate, involved in life.
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